Category Archives: Updates

Pro bono legal program supports young people exiting state care

This article originally appeared in the Law Institute Journal of Victoria’s Law Journal in October 2020. View the PDF of the article here.

Most of us take it for granted that our family will be there to help when we’re facing financial difficulties, problems with a job or relationship, or even just guide us through the basics of independent living such as signing a tenancy agreement or breaking a lease.

Kids who’ve experienced abuse need care, not custody

Children need love, care and protection to thrive, but the reality is that many Australian children suffer abuse and neglect, sometimes at the hand of people closest to them.

During National Child Protection Week (6-12 September) Youthlaw is urging police, lawmakers and other authorities to recognise the impact of childhood abuse and trauma on young people’s later behaviour.

Policing COVID should be an opportunity to educate young people, not fine them


Victoria Police are being urged to help young people comply with the requirement to wear masks, educate them about the recently reinstated Stay at Home restrictions, and wipe fines issued to children to date.

Youthlaw, a specialist legal centre for young people, and other community legal centres have written to the Victorian Chief Police Commissioner, Shane Patton, urging him to instruct police to give children and young people a warning for the first COVID infringement and educate young people about the restrictions.