Category Archives: Updates

Youthlaw supports the Yoorrook Justice Commission’s recommendations

Youthlaw supports Yoorrook Justice Commission‘s recommendations to government and are greatly disappointed in the response from the Victorian government this week.

Fundamental to any positive change is raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14, a return to a presumption of bail for all children, independent police oversight, expansion of Koori courts and a stand-alone indigenous child protection response.

Statement On The Israel Palestine War

Our organisation was founded with a vision of a just and equitable society for and shaped by young people, for which we are fearless advocates within a human rights framework. Our daily work involves protecting and asserting the human rights of young people, and this includes advocating for compliance with international human rights law and conventions.

Run Melbourne 2024 – Ashurst & Youthlaw

Ashurst are participating in this years Run Melbourne 2024 and are fundraising for Youthlaw!

You can find the link to donate here and thank you for anything you can contribute or share.

A huge thank you to Ashurst and the AshurstOutpacingChange Team, goodluck!

Children need community and connection, not electronic monitoring.

The Victorian Government announced today that they will not be will no longer be removing the reverse onus bail test for children and will be trialing electronic monitoring for children as young as 14 as part of their bail conditions. See the Victorian Government’s media release here.