Category Archives: Updates

Youthlaw comment on police shooting 23rd September 2014

Police accountability and independent investigation

The recent shooting of an 18 year of man by police  raises again  police and law enforcement accountability. At a time when police powers are increasing and there is a fear of terrorism this is crucial .

Get StreetSmart with a new smartphone-friendly guide to the law


“The first interaction with police here …  I felt quite invaded. I’d want to know where I legally stand in that situation. I’d want to know how to remove myself from that situation.”

Justin* age 18

Would you know what to do if a police officer ordered you to move on?

Bans on community legal centres speaking out

Starting from 1 July 2014, community legal centres such as Youthlaw can’t use federal government funding we receive to engage in policy reform or advocacy work.

The ban has been heavily criticised by community legal advocates as it is contrary to the findings of the recent Productivity Commission report on ensuring everyone has access to justice.

Budget cuts hit young people the hardest

No safety net for young people

The federal budget announced last night hits young people the hardest, with draconian changes to Centrelink support for under 30 year olds:

Newstart (an extra $45 per week) will only be available for those 25 years or older A 6 month waiting period for Youth Allowance and Newstart A 6 months on / 6 months off social security scheme that will leave young jobseekers without any form of income for 6 months every year Financial penalties for young people who do not accept a job offered Tightened eligibility for the Disability Support Pension that will effectively exclude young people experiencing mental health issues

These budget announcements will result in more young people living in poverty and homelessness.