Youthlaw presents training seminars and workshops for youth workers and other professionals who work with young people on a range of legal topics.

On this page

Affirmative consent and image-based sexual offences

New affirmative consent laws have passed in Victoria. The new laws shifts the scrutiny from victim-survivors onto their perpetrators and makes it clear that everyone has a responsibility to get consent before engaging in sexual activity. The new laws also clarifies circumstances where there is no consent, including the removal, non-use or tampering of a condom. There are also new stronger laws to target image-based sexual abuse.

Legal obligations to disclose and protect against child sex abuse

New criminal offences have been introduced in Victoria to improve responses to child sexual abuse.  We can provide training about these new laws including ‘failure to disclose’ and ‘failure to protect’ offences.  This is usually at cost. You can request training for a group of workers or for your organisation by filling in the online form below.

We have produced 2 easy to watch videos aimed at youth workers and 2 fact sheets on these laws. Watch & read these first and then decide if you need training.

For Failure to Disclose fact sheet & video click here.

For Failure to Protect fact sheet & video click here.

Please see our ‘New ‘failure to disclose and protect’ laws’ page for a summary of the new laws.

Other topics

Seminars or workshops can be tailored to meet your professional development needs.

Popular topics include:

Identifying legal issues

This workshop trains workers to identify common legal issues affecting young people, important legal information about these areas of law and how to refer to Youthlaw. Featuring quizzes, videos and information on why workers can play an essential part in ensuring young people can exercise their legal rights, this workshop will assist workers to have a general overview of legal issues for young people.

Police powers and young people

This training seminar covers the powers of police, Protective Services Officers (PSOs) and Public Transport Authorised Officers (AOs) when dealing with young people. Through case study discussions and group activities, we outline young people’s rights when dealing with Police, PSOs or AOs and provide an overview of the main laws that impact on young people in public places, such as graffiti and move-on laws. The seminar will also provide practical skills to assist workers in making official complaints about police, PSOs or AOs.

Arrest, bail and court support

This seminar gives an overview of what happens when a young person is charged with a criminal offence,  including their rights on arrest, getting bail, and appearing in court. Through case study discussions and group activities, we provide helpful tips and guidance for workers on how to best support their clients through this process and equip them with practical skills, such as drafting court support letters.

Duty of Care & Privacy and Confidentiality 

This seminar reviews the laws that apply to those who work with young people, focusing on the duty of care that workers owe to clients, rules around privacy and confidentiality and the question of reporting child abuse.  Featuring hypothetical scenarios designed to explore the legal and related ethical issues that commonly arise when working with young people, our workshop provides workers with important tips to guide their decision-making when legal or ethical issues arise.

Fines and how to deal with them

This training seminar is an introduction to the infringement system for both under 18s and over 18s and the different avenues available to young people when dealing with unpaid fines.  The seminar will include practical guidance on drafting letters for internal review, challenging fines, accessing financial counselling and supporting young people through the ‘Special Circumstances’ process.


Worker Training Enquiry Form

Fill in and submit this form to make an enquiry about worker training delivered by Youthlaw. One of our staff members will get in touch with you shortly to discuss your enquiry.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone Number

    Your Organisation/Service Name

    Number of participants

    Address for talk location

    Preferred dates or days of the week

    Preferred length of session (note: we recommend one hour per topic)

    Preferred topic(s)

    Any other information or questions