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Why donate?

We are a free legal service for young people under 25.

Every year we assist over 2,000 young people .

We are reliant on donations as only 50% of our income is from government

Every dollar you donate will be used carefully to provide direct services .

We are registered as both the Young People’s Legal Rights Centre Inc  and  YOUTHLAW .  We are a charity and endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office as a deductible gift recipient.   Our ABN is 12794935230 .

Donate online

You can make a one-off or recurring donation directly via our GiveNow page (tax deductible in Australia).

Leave a bequest

To leave a bequest in your will, please read Want to Make a Bequest page by GiveNow.

Donate by Post

  1. Send a letter or email to either Youthlaw P.O. Box Carlton South 3053 VIC or email admin@youthlaw.asn.au
  2. We would appreciate any information you are willing to share as to why you are donating . This will be kept private if you wish.
  3. State the amount of the donation .
  4. Let us know whether you would like recognition or not.
  5. Please provide your contact & postal details so we can contact you to arrange transfer of the donation & provide you with DGR receipt on receiving the donation.