Category Archives: Updates

No right to independent police investigation

No right to independent police investigation

In a disappointing decision handed down yesterday, the Victorian Supreme Court ruled that there was no right to an independent investigation of a police complaint.

Our client, Mr Nassir Bare, was a 17 year old Ethiopian Australian young man who alleged that a police officer had used excessive force against him in 2009. 

Stamping out racially discriminatory police practices

Today brought very welcome news of a Victoria Police inquiry later in the year into their stop and search practices & cross cultural training.

This inquiry is part of the settlement of the race discrimination case in the Federal Court, initiated by six courageous young African men, who have been assisted by Flemington Kensington Community  Legal Centre.

It’s time to rethink fines…

We recently ran a survey to hear how fines are impacting on young people under 25 years.

The survey highlighted that many of the 150 young people who received fines, cannot afford to pay the fines.

Almost half the young people fined said they could not pay the full fine, with most saying that having a fine added stress to their life, with nearly one quarter of the young people being left with  a large debt they cannot pay off .

Breaking the cycle online

Did you know that almost one in two Australians over the age of 15 experience legal problems each year?

The results of the Legal Australia-Wide Survey announced earlier this month found that almost half of all Australians were affected by legal problems every year.