Category Archives: Updates

Proposed laws to hurt the vulnerable and young

There has been public outcry in relation to the proposed laws removing rights to engage in public assembly and political demonstration. See concerns outlined in recent submissions to Scrutiny of Acts and Regulations Committee.

Apart from those engaged in political demonstration,  the proposed amendments will have a disproportionate impact on marginalised young people, people experiencing homelessness, poverty, and mental health issues who occupy public spaces.

Inquiry into Victoria Police’s stop and search policy opens

Victoria Police has just opened a public inquiry into two key policies that shape their interactions with the community, particularly culturally and linguistically diverse groups and the Aboriginal community: its field contacts policy (‘stops and searches’) and its cross-cultural training program.

It’s smarter to invest in diversion than in prisons

A review of the evidence shows that prison is costly, has negligible or negative effects on re-offending and, in the case of young people, may inflict long-term damage, thereby squandering the opportunity for rehabilitation and diversion that is presented with young people.[1]