Category Archives: Updates

Police charged over assault of teenagers

Impressive action by a father of one of the teens. Most young people who experience serious mistreatment by police do not challenge it or lodge a complaint . This is because such complaints are dealt with internally by Victoria Police.

2015 in Review

Congratulations to all in the community sector who lobbied against the Federal cuts flagged in the 2014 budget that would have resulted in substantial cuts to frontline services and introduction of highlydetrimental policies including Centrelink waiting periods for unemployed youth. There are still huge gaps in basic services for young people , adequate  public education funding and early intervention and prevention programs.

Supreme Court rules IBAC must reconsider police assault case

In a landmark appeal decision, the Supreme Court has ruled this morning that IBAC must reconsider an alleged serious police assault in February 2009 to determine if it should be independently investigated by the watchdog rather than being investigated by police.

Supreme Court set to rule on IBAC role in police assault investigation

A Supreme Court appeal decision to be handed down today (29/7) could have far-reaching implications for the investigation of complaints against police in Victoria, say advocates for Nassir Bare, who is seeking independent investigation of an alleged serious assault by Victoria Police in 2009.