Author Archives: Youthlaw

Early intervention is the best crime prevention


We know children and young people getting caught up in the Victorian criminal justice system are some of the states most disadvantaged and vulnerable, many from the poorest parts of Victoria, many having left school early, living in the out of home care system, with a highly disproportionate number being Koori children.

Helping young Australians achieve their potential

This National Youth Week Youthlaw calls on governments to recognise and address significant barriers that prevent young people across Australia achieving their potential.

High youth unemployment  

For the past 10 years youth unemployment has steadily increased. Young people have an unemployment rate that is twice and in some regions, triple the adult rate.

A call to embed diversion in the youth justice system

Submissions to the Government’s Discussion Paper “Practical Lessons, fair consequences, Improving Diversion for young people in Victoria”    closed on 5th October.

Smart Justice for Young People   coordinated a sector response setting out the principles that should underpin a diversion framework for children and young people and making 13 recommendations of how to improve the system .