About our talks
Youthlaw provides legal education talks for young people on a range of topics. Given our limited resources, we generally target young people who are disengaged or are at risk of disengaging from mainstream education, training or employment (eg. VCAL and alternative learning pathways students).
We can present community legal education talks for young people on the following topics:
- Streetsmart with police powers and other authorities
- Sex, relationships and the law
- Young people online
- Becoming independent and rights of under 18s
- Driving, traffic laws and motor vehicle accidents
- Bullying
- Credit & debt
- Fines and how to deal with them
- Discrimination
Sessions are highly interactive and young people are encouraged to ask questions and direct discussion. Depending on the setting, group dynamics and facilities available, sessions can incorporate games, videos and activities based on online resources.
Request a legal education talk or speaker from Youthlaw
To request a talk, please fill out and submit the form below and we will respond within 10 working days.
You can also contact our Education Coordinator at education@youthlaw.asn.au or (03) 9113 9500.
Please note: community legal education sessions are subject to our resources and staff availability so we cannot accommodate all requests.
Click here for more information about past legal education projects and legal education resources developed by Youthlaw.