Monthly Archives: July 2020

Policing COVID should be an opportunity to educate young people, not fine them


Victoria Police are being urged to help young people comply with the requirement to wear masks, educate them about the recently reinstated Stay at Home restrictions, and wipe fines issued to children to date.

Youthlaw, a specialist legal centre for young people, and other community legal centres have written to the Victorian Chief Police Commissioner, Shane Patton, urging him to instruct police to give children and young people a warning for the first COVID infringement and educate young people about the restrictions.

Victoria -building a police state on the quiet

Talk’s cheap but the Vic Gov’t is walking to the same old beat

American states are beginning to reckon with violent and dysfunctional police departments; taking initial steps to respond to demands for funding to be moved away from heavily armed police departments, and into community programs and infrastructure.